
Italian Centre for Research on Universities & HE Systems



Report on Career Development Services and Centres in The EURAXESS Network

Working Paper - 2016

Author: Massimo Carfagna, Francesca Romana Decorato, Natalia Paganelli

Il Report fornisce i risultati di un’indagine condotta in una quarantina di Paesi aderenti al Network “EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion”,dedicato ai servizi per i ricercatori. L’indagine ha indagato lo stato dell’arte dei servizi a supporto dello sviluppo di carriera nella ricerca esistenti in università ed enti di ricerca di vari Paesi. L’indagine è completata… more

Valutazione della qualità della didattica universitaria: le iniziative in corso

Journal Article - 2016

Author: G. Luzzatto, S. Mangano

Previa una risposta a obiezioni complessive sull’idea stessa di valutazione universitaria, si discutono le iniziative in atto, ai livelli internazionale e italiano, circa la valutazione della missione didattica degli Atenei, con riferimento alla qualità dell’offerta formativa.

Gli atenei e la ripartizione delle risorse ai Dipartimenti: alcune indicazioni da una rilevazione della CRUI

Chapter in edited book - 2015

Author: Elena Breno, Natalia Paganelli

Il capitolo riporta i risultati di una rilevazione della CRUI che aveva l’obiettivo di indagare le modalità di ripartizione delle risorse (sia finanziarie che in termini di punti organico) a livello dipartimentale negli atenei italiani.

Gli esiti occupazionali dei laureati

Chapter in edited book - 2015

Author: Gabriele Ballarino

Higher Education, between conservatism and permanent reform

Chapter in edited book - 2015

Author: Gabriele Ballarino

This chapter describes and discusses the main features of the Italian Higher Education System (henceforth HES) as a part of the welfare state. First, its main features are described: relatively low participation; very limited differentiation; strong power of the “academic oligarchy”. Second, the succession of reforms of the previous 25 years is discussed as the… more

Quest for accountability. Exploring the evaluation process of universities

Journal Article - 2015

Author: Minelli E., Rebora G., Turri M.

The article explores the organisational impact of evaluation and control mechanisms on universities from the point of view of accountability. Three case studies are analysed with the aim of understanding the significance of these systems both at corporate governance level and in relation to their influence on the behaviour of the academic staff. Open-ended, in-depth… more

The Diverse Patterns and the Diverse Causes of Migration and Mobility in Science

Journal Article - 2015


Five major themes are often addressed in the discourse of mobility in science: The definition and classification of the persons in mind (scholars, academics, researchers, etc,), the frequency and the configuration of mobility, the role mobility and migration plays for the individuals, the role they play for institutions (universities, research institutes, enterprises, etc.), and finally… more

“Attuazione della Legge 240/2010: i risultati della prima survey sugli Atenei statali”

- 2014

Author: Capano, Giliberto - Regini, Marino - Rostan, Michele - Turri, Matteo -




Varieties of Governance. Dynamics, Strategies, Capacities

The study of governance may be currently in fashion, but it is also a firmly-established lens through which the complexities of contemporary policy making can be analysed while examining the ways in which a society and its political processes are organized and steered. [...]