
Italian Centre for Research on Universities & HE Systems



Comparing Governance Regime Changes in Higher Education: systemic performances, national policy dynamics, and institutional responses. A multidisciplinary and mixed methods analysis.

The project aims to explain differences in performance across Higher Education Systems in Europe, considering a multidimensional system of performance from a diachronic perspective.


The dynamics of the Italian University system: reactions to the central guidelines and interactions with the productive system

The project focuses the attention on the main challenges that the University system is called to face in the present, such as the recurring process of research evaluation, the progressive fulfillment of the new FFO system and the relationship between Universities and their territories.



Bologna Experts

Gruppi nazionali di esperti operano nei Paesi aderenti al “processo di Bologna”, su mandato della Commissione Europea, per contribuire all’approfondimento delle tematiche concernenti il processo e per promuovere la conoscenza di esso nelle istituzioni di istruzione superiore.


Comparative Academic Salary: The Italian case

The Boston College Center for International Higher Education and the Higher School of Economics in Moscow will be undertaking a study of global faculty salary/remuneration in 30 countries.


Consulenza tecnico-scientifica su Validazione delle competenze in corsi universitari

Le Università del Veneto, con il sostegno della Regione, hanno avviato un progetto interuniversitario per laProgettazione e sperimentazione di strumenti per la validazione e la certificazione delle competenze nei corsi di laurea universitari. Tre sottoprogetti esaminano, rispettivamente, i corsi di 1° livello (Laurea), quelli di 2° livello (Laurea Magistrale), i Master.


Different models of University governance at peripheral level: the role of departments, faculties, schools in organizing teaching and research in Europe

The aim is to produce an empirically-based typology of University forms of governance at the peripheral level, by studying how they work (more or less effectively) in a small non-random sample of European universities. On the basis of such typology, the Italian Rectors’ conference might suggest appropriate solutions to help universities use their autonomy in an informed way.








Varieties of Governance. Dynamics, Strategies, Capacities

The study of governance may be currently in fashion, but it is also a firmly-established lens through which the complexities of contemporary policy making can be analysed while examining the ways in which a society and its political processes are organized and steered. [...]