Partner: Università di Lubiana, Vienna, Kassel, Bologna, Ankara, Varsavia, Brema, durata 2009-2012.
This project aims to integrate and explore national and international graduate employability surveys. It will develop an innovative approach to the establishment of higher education management systems in particular professional domains.
A conceptual goal of the project is to learn and compare determinants of graduate’s early career success in different professional domains and fields of study. The project also seeks to explore how higher education management take into account employability data and surveys, and the extent to which higher education management and systems should be evidence driven.
In this way the project will further develop a dialogue among past and ongoing initiatives and projects presented at the DECOWE event (short for Development of competencies in the world of work and education) for different stakeholders of higher education management systems. In this context, the DEHEMS project in its initial project phase addresses the following questions: